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Python bootcamp training is an intensive program that prepares individuals for a career in programming and cybersecurity.

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Web Pen-Testing

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Mobile Pen-Testing

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About Python Bootcamp Training 2023

A program is called a "Python bootcamp" educates students how to deal with programming languages and how to develop any live project.

Python bootcamp training helps to enhance cybersecurity and programming knowledge by equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and build the programs for cybersecurity and others.

A successful completion of Python bootcamp can lead to a variety of career prospects in the rapidly expanding industry of Programming and cybersecurity.

An better understanding of cybersecurity risks and best practises among individuals and organizations can result in a more secure online environment for all users thanks to python and ethical hacking bootcamp training.


Join Best Python bootcamp training course in Delhi

Recon is the Best Python bootcamp training 2023 Institute for B.Tech / M.TECH / BE / B.SC / M.SC / MCA / BCA / CS / CSE / IT / Information Technology / Engineering Students. Ethical Hacking bootcamp training 2023 in Delhi Offer by Recon for all engineering domains. Join Recon for Top Ethical Hacking bootcamp training 2023 Institute for BE / B.Tech / B.SC / CSE /IT / Information Technology/ BCA / MCA / M.SC / B.Tech / M.Tech / Engineering Students. Recon is one of Delhi's best and well-known Python bootcamp training 2023 Institute with high-tech infrastructure.

Live Project Project development is an important part of the curriculum during Python bootcamp training 2023 programs for students. Learn step by step and Recon (Best Python bootcamp training 2023 Institute for CS Student / CSE Student / IT Student / Computer Science / B.Tech / BA Student / M.Tech Student/ BCA Student / MCA Students / B.SC Students / M.SC Students) In addition to training, it also ensures that students work on project development to learn the practical aspects of their subject area. In this way, students have the opportunity to apply what they have learned. It helps to build and develop a solid foundation. In addition to these, there will be personality development and interview preparation sessions to prepare them for the job interview. Python bootcamp training 2023 projects should be considered as an important factor to confirm and evaluate the technical aspects of the candidate in the interview.

Python Bootcamp Training Syllabus

Python Course content
26 Lectures - 2 Months
🔶 Python An Overview
      • Simple Python an overview
      • History of Python
      • Version of Python
      • Feature of Python
      • Comparison of Python with Other Languages
      • Execution of Programs
      • Python Comment

🔶 Python Variables & Data Types
      • What is variables
      • Assign variable
      • Data Types

🔶 Operators
      • Types of Operators
      • Operators Precedence & Associativity

🔶 Python Conditional Statements
      • The If Statements
      • The If-Else Statements
      • The Elif Statements
      • The Nested If - Else Statements

🔶 Python Looping Concept
      • Python for Loop
      • Python While Loop

🔶 Python Control Statements
      • The Break Statement
      • The Continue Statement
      • The Pass Statement

🔶 Python Data Type Casting

🔶 Python Number
      • Mathematical Function
      • Random Function
      • Trigonometric Function

🔶 Python String
      • Accessing String
      • Basic Operations
      • String Slices
      • String Built-In-Function

🔶 Python List
      • Introduction
      • Accessing list
      • Operations
      • Working with Lists
      • List Slices
      • Aliasing
      • Cloning
      • List Comprehension
      • Deleting List
      • Built-In-Function

🔶 Python Tuple
      • Introduction
      • Creating Tuple
      • Accessing Tuple
      • Modifying Tuple
      • Deleting Tuple
      • Built-In Function

🔶 Python Dictionary
      • Introduction
      • Declaring on Sets
      • Operation on Sets
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python Sets
      • Introduction
      • Declaring on Sets
      • Operation on Sets
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python sys Module
🔶 Python OS Module
🔶 Python Function
      • Defining a Function
      • Calling a Function
      • Types of Functions
      • Anonymous Functions
      • Global and local Variables

🔶 Module
      • Introduction
      • The Import Statement
      • The Form... Import Statement
      • The Form... Import* Statement

🔶 File Handling (Input / Output)
      • Introduction
      • Open & Close Files
      • Read & Write Files
      • Rename & Remove Files
      • The Directories

🔶 Exception Handling
      • Error in Python Program
      • Types of Exception
      • Handling Exception in Python
      • Raising Exception
      • User Defined Exception

🔶 Exception Handling
      • Error in Python Program
      • Types of Exception
      • Handling Exception in Python
      • Raising Exception
      • User Defined Exception

🔶 OOPs Concepts
      • Class and Object
      • Attribute
      • Inheritance
      • Overloading
      • Overriding
      • Interface & Abstraction

🔶 Multithreading
      • Thread
      • Starting a Thread
      • Threading Module
      • Synchronizing Threads

🔶 Python Mail Sending
🔶 Regular Expression
      • Match Function
      • Search Function
      • Matching VS Searching
      • Modifiers
      • Pattern

🔶 Python Web Scraping
      • Introduction
      • Scrape all the details of any website
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python Data Science
🔶 Introduction with Python Machine Learning

🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 85% Practical Training
🟢 20% Theory Training
🟢 Certificate after completion
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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