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Check Our Best Diploma courses in Cyber Security

6 Months Diploma in Cyber Security

This VAPT diploma is an essential process for any organization that wants to protect its data and systems from cyber threats.


Master Diploma in Cyber Security

This is a great way to advance your career in cybersecurity and gain recognition as a skilled and knowledgeable professional.


Python Programming

Python is a great language to start with due to its beginner-friendly syntax and vast community support.


Bug Hunting

If you enjoy solving puzzles and have a keen eye for detail, bug hunting can be a fun and rewarding experience.


Beginner Cyber Security Diploma in Delhi

Recon Cyber Security provided best accredited Cyber Security Diploma in India that offers the best Cyber Security Diploma in India on practical exams that help aspirants gain professional skills. The institute offers practical and career-based Cyber Security Diploma in Delhi to help students find their dream job at various MNCs. Students are given the opportunity to gain practical experience of participating in real Cyber Security projects and 100% placement assistance. The Recon Cyber Security Cyber Security Diploma in India is run under the highly experienced industry professionals. It is recognized among the leading Cyber Security Diploma in india, as it operates on a mix of practical learning and learning theory. This type of comprehensive behavioral training with good exposure facilitates the complete transition of the student into a professional.

  • Carrer Scope : Opportunity in following Domain

Included Services

  • VA/PT Interview Preparation
  • 1,2,4 Hour Batches
  • 350 GB Hacking Toolkit
  • 6 Months Course Duration

Benifits of services

  • 1 Year Membership
  • Hindi or English Language
  • Online and Offline Training
  • 7+ Year Experience Trainer

Join 6 Months beginner Cyber Security Diploma

Recon Cyber Security provided best accredited Beginner Cyber Security Diploma Course that offers the best Beginner Cyber Security Diploma Course on practical exams that help aspirants gain professional skills. The institute offers practical and career-based Beginner Cyber Security Diploma Course to help students find their dream job at various MNCs. Students are given the opportunity to gain practical experience of participating in real Cyber Security projects and 100% placement assistance. The Recon Cyber Security Beginner Cyber Security Diploma is run under the highly experienced industry professionals. It is recognized among the leading Cyber Security Diploma in india, as it operates on a mix of practical learning and learning theory. This type of comprehensive behavioral training with good exposure facilitates the complete transition of the student into a professional.

Recon Cyber Security is one of India's best and most well-known training center with high-tech infrastructure. The institute offers best Cyber Security training that is customized according to the content requirement of each and every student.Recon Cyber Security is the credible and one of the Best Cyber Security Training institutes in india along with 100% placement support. Post completion of the training the students are awarded Recon Cyber Security certification that is widely recognized in the industry is a validation of one's skills and expertise.

Course Content and Syllabus for Beginner Cyber Security Diploma

Recon Beginner Cyber Security Diploma Course content fulfills the requirement of both basic as well as advanced level Cyber Security Diploma training.The Recon Cyber Security Diploma is designed based on industry recommendations and student needs.Recon is the best Beginner Cyber Security Diploma training center in Delhi. Recon Best Beginner Cyber Security Diploma syllabus includes

Course 1 : Advanced Networking
17 Lectures - 1 Month
🔶 Introduction to Networking
      • what is networking
🔶 Fundamentals of Networking
🔶 OSI Model v/s TCP/IP Model
🔶 MAC Address
🔶 IP Addressing
      • IPv4
      • IPv6
🔶 Subnetting
🔶 Network Cabling
🔶 Router Fundamentals
🔶 Lab Configuration on Packet Tracer
🔶 Router, Switch and PC Communication
🔶 Routing Protocols
      • Default Routing
      • Static Routing
      • Static Routing with Subnetting
🔶 Dynamic Routing
      • RIP
      • EIGRP
      • OSPF
🔶 NAT (Network Address Translation)
🔶 V-LAN Configuration
🔶 ACL (Access Control List)
🔶 BGP Configuration
🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Training by experienced trainers
🟢 Checkpoint based training
🟢 Every session Recordings
🟢 Test After completion
🟢 24x7 Support
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Course 2 : Linux Essentials
17 Lectures - 20 Hour
🔶 Introduction to Linux Evolution
🔶 Linux Distribution
🔶 Linux Embedded System
🔶 Hardware Requirement
🔶 Installing Linux
🔶 OS Differences
🔶 Open Software Application
🔶 What is Open Source
🔶 Desktop and server application
🔶 Languages and tools
🔶 Packages installas and repositories
🔶 The Linux Environments
🔶 Linux Desktop environments
🔶 Linux shell and commands
🔶 Managing softwares packages
🔶 The command line
🔶 Difference b/w shells
🔶 Command line
🔶 Command Usage
🔶 Man Pages
🔶 Directories and files
🔶 Searching and Extracting Data from file
🔶 Package installation in different Directory
🔶 User account and groups
🔶 Creating account from the shell
🔶 Modifying and deleting account
🔶 Working as root
🔶 Managing file ownership and permission
🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Training by experienced trainers
🟢 Checkpoint based training
🟢 Every session Recordings
🟢 Test After completion
🟢 24x7 Support
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Course 3 : Ethical Hacking
20 Lectures - 2 Months
🔶 Introduction to Ethical Hacking
🔶 Reconnnaissance
      • Active Foot-Printing
      • Passive Foot-Printing
      • Finger Printing Active/Passive

🔶 Scanning Networks
      • Host Discovery
      • TCP/UDP Port Scanning
      • Vulnerability Scanning

🔶 Enumeration
🔶 System Hacking
      • Physical Access (Windows / Linux OS)

🔶 Malware & Threats
      • Virus / Worms
      • Trojan Horse
      • Ransomware
      • Polymorphic Virus
      • Macro Virus
      • Micro Virus
      • Rootkit, etc.
🔶 Social Engineering
      • Phishing Attacks
      • Vishing Attack, etc.

🔶 Denial of Service
      • DOS (Deial of Service)
      • DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service)

🔶 Session Hijacking
🔶 Wireless Hacking
      • WEP / WPA / WPA2 Wi-Fi Hacking

🔶 Mobile Hacking
🔶 Hacking Web-Application (with BurpSuite)
🔶 SQL Injection
      • Automatic tool based
      • Manual SQL Injection

🔶 Hacking Web Server
🔶 Sniffing / Sniffers
      • MITM Attack
      • DNS Attack
      • DHCP Attack
      • MAC Address Attack, etc.

🔶 IDS, Firewall, Honeypot
🔶 Cryptography
🔶 Basics of Cloud Computing / Hacking
🔶 IoT Hacking
🔶 Basics of Penetration Testing

🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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Course 4 : Python Programming
26 Lectures - 2 Months
🔶 Python An Overview
      • Simple Python an overview
      • History of Python
      • Version of Python
      • Feature of Python
      • Comparison of Python with Other Languages
      • Execution of Programs
      • Python Comment

🔶 Python Variables & Data Types
      • What is variables
      • Assign variable
      • Data Types

🔶 Operators
      • Types of Operators
      • Operators Precedence & Associativity

🔶 Python Conditional Statements
      • The If Statements
      • The If-Else Statements
      • The Elif Statements
      • The Nested If - Else Statements

🔶 Python Looping Concept
      • Python for Loop
      • Python While Loop

🔶 Python Control Statements
      • The Break Statement
      • The Continue Statement
      • The Pass Statement

🔶 Python Data Type Casting

🔶 Python Number
      • Mathematical Function
      • Random Function
      • Trigonometric Function

🔶 Python String
      • Accessing String
      • Basic Operations
      • String Slices
      • String Built-In-Function

🔶 Python List
      • Introduction
      • Accessing list
      • Operations
      • Working with Lists
      • List Slices
      • Aliasing
      • Cloning
      • List Comprehension
      • Deleting List
      • Built-In-Function

🔶 Python Tuple
      • Introduction
      • Creating Tuple
      • Accessing Tuple
      • Modifying Tuple
      • Deleting Tuple
      • Built-In Function

🔶 Python Dictionary
      • Introduction
      • Declaring on Sets
      • Operation on Sets
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python Sets
      • Introduction
      • Declaring on Sets
      • Operation on Sets
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python sys Module
🔶 Python OS Module
🔶 Python Function
      • Defining a Function
      • Calling a Function
      • Types of Functions
      • Anonymous Functions
      • Global and local Variables

🔶 Module
      • Introduction
      • The Import Statement
      • The Form... Import Statement
      • The Form... Import* Statement

🔶 File Handling (Input / Output)
      • Introduction
      • Open & Close Files
      • Read & Write Files
      • Rename & Remove Files
      • The Directories

🔶 Exception Handling
      • Error in Python Program
      • Types of Exception
      • Handling Exception in Python
      • Raising Exception
      • User Defined Exception

🔶 Exception Handling
      • Error in Python Program
      • Types of Exception
      • Handling Exception in Python
      • Raising Exception
      • User Defined Exception

🔶 OOPs Concepts
      • Class and Object
      • Attribute
      • Inheritance
      • Overloading
      • Overriding
      • Interface & Abstraction

🔶 Multithreading
      • Thread
      • Starting a Thread
      • Threading Module
      • Synchronizing Threads

🔶 Python Mail Sending
🔶 Regular Expression
      • Match Function
      • Search Function
      • Matching VS Searching
      • Modifiers
      • Pattern

🔶 Python Web Scraping
      • Introduction
      • Scrape all the details of any website
      • Buil-In Function

🔶 Python Data Science
🔶 Introduction with Python Machine Learning

🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 85% Practical Training
🟢 20% Theory Training
🟢 Certificate after completion
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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Course 5 : Network Penetration Testing
13 Lectures - 1 Months
🔶 How to plan your Penetration Testing
🔶 Scoping your Penetration Testing
🔶 Network & Web-Application
🔶 Scanning Vulnerability
      • Port Scanning
      • Script scanning
      • Enumeration
      • Service & Version Scanning
      • Web-Application Scanning

🔶 Exploitation with Metasploit
      • Exploit Vulnerability
      • Bind & Reverse Shell
      • Payload Creation, etc.

🔶 Post-Exploitation
🔶 Pivoting Attack
🔶 Browser exploitation
      • BEEF Exploit

🔶 In-Depth Password Attacks
      • John the Ripper
      • Brute Force Attack
      • Dictionary Attack
      • Rainbow Table Attack
      • Other Password Cracking Tools

🔶 Crcking / Solving CTF's
🔶 Final Analysis
🔶 Final Report Generation
      • Manual Reporting
      • Automatic Reporting
🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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Course 6 : Web Application Pen-Testing
20 Lectures - 1 Month
🔶 Introduction to Web-application Penetration-Testing
🔶 Finding Subdomains
🔶 Understanding HTTP
🔶 Access Control Flaws
🔶 Ajax Security
🔶 Authentication Flaws
🔶 Buffer overflaws
🔶 Code Quality
🔶 Concurrency Flaws
🔶 Cross Site Scripting
🔶 Improper Error Handling
🔶 Injection Flaws
🔶 Denail of Service
🔶 Insecure Communication
🔶 Insecure Configuration
🔶 Insecure Storage
🔶 Malicious File Execution
🔶 Parameter Tampering
🔶 Session Management Flaws
🔶 Challenge Online Platform
🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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Course 7 : Mobile-App Penetration Testing
22 Lectures - 1 Month
🔶 Android Fundamentals
🔶 Introduction to Mobile-App Testing
🔶 Lab Setup
🔶 Android Architecture
🔶 APK File Structure
🔶 Reversing with APK tool / JADx-GUI
🔶 Reversing with MobSF
🔶 Static Analysis
🔶 Scanning Vulnerabilities with Drozer
🔶 Improper Platform Usage
🔶 Log Analysis
🔶 Insecure Storage
🔶 Insecure Communication
🔶 Hard Coding Issues
🔶 Insecure Authentication
🔶 Insufficient Cryptography
🔶 Code Tempering
🔶 Extraneous Functionality
🔶 SSL Pinning Attack
🔶 Intercepting The Network Traffic
🔶 Dynamic Analysis
🔶 Report Preparation
🟢 Online / Offline Training
🟢 Live Practical training
🟢 Interview Questions
🟢 Test After completion
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Beginner diploma course in Cyber Security

Frequently Asked Questions about Cyber Security

Starting a degree in computer science or a similar field, earning necessary certifications, and getting users through internships or job experience are the first steps in becoming a cyber security analyst. Also, it's critical to improve your analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Cybersecurity security training can last anywhere from a few weeks to many years, depending on its degree and format.

Because it aids in defending against online threats that could result in financial loss, harm to one's status, and harm to personal and national security, cyber security is key.

The principles, techniques, and technologies used to defend computer systems, networks, and digital information against cyber-attacks are covered in a cyber security course.

You start by developing a thorough understanding of cyber security ideas, practices, and technology through education, certifications, and application. Keeping up with the most recent cyber threats and technology is also crucial.

The features of cyber security include confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Sensitive information must be kept private, correct, and readily available. These Seven tests are privacy, reliability, and availability.

In terms of cyber security, privacy is the protection of secrets against illegal access, use, or release.

Meet our placed Students in companies

Join Best Cyber Security courses in Delhi

  • The organization is best known for the Cyber Security courses in Delhi
  • Cyber Security Courses in Delhi is constructed as per the IT industry standard.
  • 100% Placement support by Recon Cyber Security.
  • One year membership of Recon Cyber Security(One of the leading Cyber Security training Institute in Delhi).
  • Free study materials video training, PDF's, Interview Questions(HR and Technical).
  • One of the biggest team of Certified Cyber Security Expert.
  • Post training support.

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